Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Street colour

Charles and Bleecker Streets, New York


Elizabeth said...

I love that old yellow brick. I once lived in a house made of yellow brick. The black tree silhouette provides great contrast.

Jane Flanagan said...

Love these warm colours!

Unknown said...

I love how the tree looks like some black spidery imprint on the brick. The garage sign also adds some cool element to this pic. I really like it.

tintin said...

How the Hell didga do that?

WritingsForLife said...

That tree is so well framed :-)

Alice Olive said...

Tintin: Erm, not sure what you mean??

tintin said...

The sign appears to be hovering without any visible means of support. I can see how the tree hides much around the sign. Knowing you, I assume it wasn't accidental.

Carolina Lange said...
