Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Blast from my past
On W 12th Street, New York


Jane Flanagan said...

This is beautiful. I love the texture of the railing!

Kathleen said...

Starry-eyed am I, knowing that when I try...

Alice Olive said...

To forget you...
Love brings me out of my shell
I put my heart upon the shelf
Hiding inside myself
What am I doing?
No use in faking, fool for the taking
There's no more esaping you


Anonymous said...


tintin said...

I liked her Escaping video on you tu...duh, I just got it.

I always loved Primters Row not only for the Hackneys and buffalo burger on dark rye but for the fire escapes on the front of the buildings. In Chicago they're usually hidden in the back. I suppose that's Midwestern. Anyway, it's a great shot and it reminds to be grateful for all the NY fire escapes.

One question. Who the heck is Daryl Braithwaite?

Alice Olive said...

Tintin: He's another element of my Australian music blast from the past. "As the days go by, I get a little bit closer."

Kathleen said...

Oh that is the BEST Daryl Braithwaite song! Sounds like Tintin ended up with the "Horses" duet on youtube. Heh.

Soup bought me the Margaret Urlich album in year 6. On cassette. !!

John Barclay said...

Love the contrast in this image. It brings tremendous depth.

The Photodiarist said...

Gorgeous. Love how you make ordinary things extraordinary.

Anonymous said...

Great study of lines and textures. Nicely done.