Wednesday, April 20, 2011


The Lipstick Building, 885 Third Avenue, New York


Jane Flanagan said...

Beautiful bends in the glass and reflections.

Anonymous said...

I'll take a reflection of a blue sky today--anything but this perpetual gray.

The Foolish Aesthete said...

I used to walk by this building all the time ... love how you captured the reflections and the curves of the architecture!

Elizabeth said...

Clever angle, clever framing, clever composition, clever caption!

stela alves said...

Beautiful photo!!!!
Street Style by Stela

tintin said...

Even I, a New Yorker went, how'd she do that? Nice 'wet' shot. Did you see the recent Wall Street movie? Oliver Stone does a beautiful shot of this building in the opening.

Alice Olive said...

Tintin: I was first in line to see Wall Street II. I can quote you the entire first movie line-by-line. One of my posts last year of a shot looking down Nassau Street was inspired by GG.

The Photodiarist said...

Too close to where I work for comfort at this point in the morning . . . when I am dreading going to work.