Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Washington Square Park, taken on cnr Dearborn and Oak Sts, Chicago.


Anonymous said...

Your discipline is admirable, posting just one photo a week.
This one really gives me the feeling of winter, cold. Black and greytones - I suppose it could be a colour or a b/w pic, they would both come out the same... or correct me if I'm wrong.
As it's mid-March, can I expect a photo of a bulging bud soon?

Thanks, Alice, I enjoy your stuff!

Martin in Melbourne

Rafe Totengco said...

This is an amazing photo. Haunting, magnetic and graphic. Do you sell your prints?

Alice Olive said...

Thank you for the compliment. No I don't sell my photos, it's just a hobby!

lewehrman said...

Love your photos AO! I have a small clothing line and 5 of my Spring pieces have handpainted bare trees. Check out the nom de guerre website Spring line photos. Seems it is a feeling going around! Love to read your comments on Sart!